"Nature never did betray the heart that loved her."
-William Wordsworth, poet of the Romantic Era

A series of switchback roads lead towards the peninsula town of Puerto Jiménez, doorway to sanctified Corcovado.

Most who have met me wouldn't believe that being gregarious takes work, for me, but I actually did spend my younger school years observing extroverted behaviors in my peers, and learned to mimic the look of it, thinking (rightly so) that it would help lubricate my social aspirations.
But it is exhausting. Often worthwhile, but exhausting.

Thank you, Daniel, as always, for saving the day.
Our guide, Nito, is our previous host Margarita's brother, and his housemate is a Parisian named Tico... Truly... A Frenchman living in Costa Rica legally named "Tico." What are the odds????

We planned to rendezvous at a small panadería (bakery) at 0500. So we finished our packing and hit the hay by 2300. No movie night for us tonight!
The "trails" (although they could sometimes scarcely deserve the name) were rough and rugged, without gravel or boardwalk, and lacking any kind of guidance or markings in many areas.
I didn't mind at all... :-)

Some parts of the forest surprisingly looked similar to National Forests back in the United States. Maybe this part resembled Nicolette and this section echoed Hoh and this area reminds of Kettle-Moraine.

And the ancient, gnarled hands of trees that gripped tightly to boulders and hillsides spoke of Ents watching the world age.
We saw more plants and animals than we would at a zoo, including:
Coatis, peccaries, tapiers, orchids, macaws, tragons, mangos, sharks, caiman, coconut trees, herons, bats, Corcovado spiders the size of your palm, poison frogs, all four Costa Rican species of monkey, army ants, basilisks, iguanas, geckos, fer-de-lance snakes, anteaters, two-toed sloth, humming birds, crabs, lobster, tree boas, eagles, alligators, beetles, anoles, red-eyed tree frogs, pelicans, anemones, toucans, skinks, urchins, biting bees, NON-stinging bees (still surprisingly aggressive and frightening), sea cucumbers, leaf-cutter ants, surfing fish, buzzards, ibus, sea turtle eggs, and more. It really may have been a once-in-a-lifetime experience. |
I'll drink that freshly cracked coconut milk any day....
She included a link to our fund-raising page, here. Feel free to visit and help us see this project through!
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